190 visa Tasmania nomination, you must score at least 65 points but no guarantee that you will be nominated by the Tasmanian Government (click here to calculate your points).
To be eligible for a permanent visa subclass 190 visa Tasmania nomination, you will be assessed on a number of criteria, including:
- your demonstrated ability and commitment to settle down in Tasmania
- the demand for your particular skills and expertise
- your ability to find work in Tasmania
- the suitability and transferability of your qualifications, skills and experience to the Tasmania’s labour market (check Tasmanian Skilled Occupations List or TSOL)
- the skills and background of dependant family members
- your level of English language proficiency
In assessing your subclass 190 visa Tasmania nomination, this state government will give preference if your choose to live in an area outside of Greater Hobart and you have skills in the following industries:
- health
- trades and construction
- engineering
- community services (including aged and disability care)
If you are currently holding a bridging visa because you have applied to the AAT for merits review or the FCCA or FCA for judicial review, you should state the current review status and detail your plans to apply for a subclass 190 Tasmania nomination in the event you are nominated.
In your EOI application, you should also tick your interest in a subclass 491 Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (click here to learn more) as the Tasmania government will also consider nominating you for this visa if you are not successful for a subclass 190 nomination.
There are two categories for the subclass 190 Tasmania nomination:
- Tasmanian Graduate
- Working in Tasmania
Tasmanian Graduate
In this category of subclass 190 visa Tasmania nomination, you must satisfy all of the following criteria:
- have completed and graduated from a CRICOS registered tertiary institution in Tasmania (click here for a list) and met the Australian study requirement through your study (course must be least 2 academic years and completed in at least 16 months) in Tasmania
- have lived in Tasmania for at least 2 years while studying
- you and your dependants must currently be living in Tasmania and can provide evidence of genuine intention to continue to live in Tasmania (e.g., have a job offer from a company in Tasmania or evidence of having researched the local job market or working part-time or volunteering or internship)
If you are or have been studying in Tasmania before 31 July 2017, your course:
- must be a degree (e.g. bachelor or higher), a diploma (standard, advanced, associate or graduate) or a trade qualification (Certificate III and above) for a skilled qualification in Major Group 3 in ANZSCO
- must have a minimum duration of one academic year (40 weeks)
- must be full-time and on campus in Tasmania
- you have lived in Tasmania for at least 1 year during your study
- you and your dependants must currently be living in Tasmania and can provide evidence of genuine intention to continue to live in Tasmania
You should note that if your course or study is not related to an occupation on the TSOL, you can still apply for subclass 190 visa Tasmania nomination by including in your application a career plan and explain how your studies have increased your ability to find skilled work in Tasmania. You may include areas unrelated to your study in Tasmania.
Working in Tasmania
This category of subclass 190 visa Tasmania nomination is for those who are looking for employment opportunity in Tasmania.
You can apply for subclass 190 visa Tasmania nomination if you meet all of the following criteria:
- you must have been working in Tasmania for at least 6 months before applying for subclass 190 visa Tasmania nomination
- your employment must be in the TSOL (English and other requirements listed in the list do not apply to this category)
- your employer must be a well-established business that has been actively operating in Tasmania for the past 12 months
- there must be a genuine, ongoing need for your position within the business
- your employment is your nominated occupation
- your employment must be full-time or 2 or more part-time jobs and for at least 35 hours per week
- you and your dependants must currently be living in Tasmania and can provide evidence of genuine intention to continue to live in Tasmania
What is not considered to be working
- internships
- stipends
- scholarships
- volunteer positions
- non-skill shortage positions, including supermarkets, service stations, limited service restaurants (e.g. cooks, chefs and café/restaurant managers in a fast food or takeaway, fast casual, drinking shops with limited food service or limited service cafes for e.g. coffee ships or mall cafes or limited service pizza restaurants)
- massage clinics
- taxi / uber driving
Small Business Owner
If you are a sole trader or subcontractor, you may be eligible for subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Tasmania nomination.
If you are interested in applying for a 190 visa:
- NSW nomination, please click here
- SA nomination, please click here
- Victoria nomination, please click here
- WA nomination, please click here
- Qld nomination, please click here
- ACT nomination, please click here
- NT nomination, please click here
To learn more about how you may lodge an expression of interest for a skilled visa – click here.
Australian migration law is complex and difficult to understand, contact our immigration lawyer for a consultation (fee applies) regarding subclass 190 Tasmania nomination or click here to learn about subclass 190 visa application or click here to learn more about other visas.
041 222 4020 or WeChat: AUDvisa
This article is not intended to be or taken as migration legal advice. The author of this article disclaims any liability for any action or omission on the information provided or not provided in this article. You should always consult an immigration lawyer or a registered migration agent to form an informed opinion on your immigration matter.