
Migration & Visa
Training visa Subclass 407
To come to Australia for training and paid work Training visa (Subclass 407) or Training visa (Class GF) (Subclass 407): What is this visa for Training visa (Subclass 407) is for someone wanting to improve their skills by attending workplace or classroom training or development program in Australia. You must be nominated by an approved...
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Temporary Work Subclass 403
If you are from certain countries, you may be able to work in Australia as a seasonal worker Temporary Work (Subclass 403) or Temporary Work (International Relations) Class GD Subclass 403 visa: Who can apply for this working visa? Temporary Work (Subclass 403) visa is divided into 6 streams. Seasonal Worker stream Seasonal Worker stream...
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Global Talent Independent (GTI) visa
If you are a highly skilled person, you may be able to work temporarily in Australia Temporary Work (Subclass 400) or Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) Class GA Subclass 400 visa: What you need to know before applying Temporary Work (Subclass 400) visa is for overseas workers (can be professionals or managers or technicians or...
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Offshore partner visa marriage visa
If you married outside of Australia, you can sponsor your partner to live in Australia Offshore Partner visa or Partner (Provisional) Class UF Subclass 309 visa: Tips on successful visa application If you are an over 18 Australian citizen or permanent resident or an eligible NZ citizen and you married your partner, you may be...
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Apply for a Prospective Marriage visa to come to Australia to get married The Prospective Marriage visa 300 or Prospective Marriage Class TO Subclass 300 visa: Steps to gain Australia permanent residency If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident or an eligible NZ citizen and intend to marry your overseas partner (can be...
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Woman At Risk Subclass 204 visa
If you are a woman and being victimised because you do not have the protection of a partner or relative, you may apply for protection from Australia Woman At Risk Class XB Subclass 204 visa allows a woman who is victimised to apply for a visa to live in Australia To be eligible for Woman...
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Emergency rescue subclass 203 visa
If you are registered as a refugee because you are facing immediate danger to your life, you may apply for protection in Australia Emergency rescue (Subclass 203) or Emergency rescue Class XB Subclass 203 visa: Who Can Apply Apply for an emergency rescue (Subclass 203) visa if you are registered as a refugee with the...
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Humanitarian Subclass 202 visa
Global Humanitarian (Subclass 202) or Global Special Humanitarian Class XB Subclass 202 visa: How to apply People who are forced to leave their home country because of violation of their human rights may apply for humanitarian visa to live in Australia Global humanitarian (Subclass 202) visa is for people who are forced to leave their...
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Subclass 449 Humanitarian Stay visa
If you are being persecuted in your own country, you may apply for asylum in Australia Humanitarian (Subclass 201) visa or In Country Special Humanitarian Class XB Subclass 201 visa: Who can apply for this visa? If you are in your own home country and you are being persecuted for 1 of the following reasons,...
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Protection refugee visa
Applying for protection from overseas to be resettled in Australia Offshore refugee (Subclass 200) visa program: How does it work? Offshore refugee (Subclass 200) visa program is for people in their own country who are being persecuted or are being discriminated to an extend that it violates their human rights. Australian humanitarian program consists of...
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